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Rainy Day Reading is a book review blog created by three Nueva High school juniors: Anisha K., Romola C., and Anouschka B. They started it during the COVID-19 pandemic in the hopes of sharing their passion of literature with their community, and to encourage others to read more in difficult times and beyond. Anisha, Romola, and Anouschka have been fascinated with reading and writing since a young age, and saw the newfound time at home as the perfect way to explore both of those interests.

Pile Of Books


Anouschka B.

Anouschka is an aspiring artist and writer. She is deeply passionate about all genres of literature—especially fantasy—and loves writing poetry, short stories, and journalistic articles. Some of her favorite books include Caraval by Stephanie Garber, If There’s No Tomorrow by Jennifer Armentrout, and Night Sky With Exit Wounds by Ocean Vuong. She also loves art, especially painting and drawing. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, listening to and playing music, watching action movies, and—of course—reading.


Romola C.

Romola is passionate about biological research and the literary arts. She enjoys exploring many different areas and styles of writing—from scientific articles to short stories to poetry. Her favorite works to read include What If? by Randall Munroe, An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir, and Caraval by Stephanie Garber. Along with reading and writing, Romola’s hobbies include baking, discovering new music, and spending time with her siblings. 


Anisha K.

Anisha loves all things creative and expressive—writing, art, and music. She will read almost anything with no complaints, though she does have a penchant for old British detective fiction. She enjoys writing both creatively and analytically, often expressing herself through angsty poetry, and dreams of writing an epic fantasy series. Some of her favorite books include The Misfits by James Howe, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, and almost anything by Agatha Christie. When not reading, she can be found doodling, singing, or, honestly, watching YouTube.




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